Saving lives...Rescuing Orphans!
Hugz 4 Haiti, Inc was founded to support the rescue of Haiti's orphans by the MEBI Orphanage - a recognized non-profit in Haiti for over 50 yrs. Hugz 4 Haiti's mission was really put to the test after the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti in January 2010.
The catastrophic earthquake left in it's wake - 316,000 people dead,1.6 million homeless and 3 million in need of emergency aid. And in the painful aftermath there was neither phone service nor power...only darkness. Friends and partners of the MEBI Orphanage were anxious to find out if everyone was alive & well!
True to its mission, Hugz 4 Haiti, Inc. was able to communicate to partners around the world that everyone was alive...but very emotionally shaken. Hugz 4 Haiti also transported the orphans and volunteers living in Port au Prince, to safety in Bombardopolis, with all the food, supplies and emotional support they needed! This happened thanks to support from the "Hugz 4 Haiti Village" - Hugz 4 Haiti's amazing partners and friends.
With your support, Hugz 4 Haiti, Inc. will continue to rescue Haiti's orphans, one child at a time!
The catastrophic earthquake left in it's wake - 316,000 people dead,1.6 million homeless and 3 million in need of emergency aid. And in the painful aftermath there was neither phone service nor power...only darkness. Friends and partners of the MEBI Orphanage were anxious to find out if everyone was alive & well!
True to its mission, Hugz 4 Haiti, Inc. was able to communicate to partners around the world that everyone was alive...but very emotionally shaken. Hugz 4 Haiti also transported the orphans and volunteers living in Port au Prince, to safety in Bombardopolis, with all the food, supplies and emotional support they needed! This happened thanks to support from the "Hugz 4 Haiti Village" - Hugz 4 Haiti's amazing partners and friends.
With your support, Hugz 4 Haiti, Inc. will continue to rescue Haiti's orphans, one child at a time!